The poets of The Monadnock School offer a number of programs from readings to workshops to residencies. With the number of poets working with us, we can tailor a program to fit almost any budget or need. Terry Farish, Pat Fargnoli and Rodger Martin are members of the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts Touring and Arts in Education Rosters and therefore eligible for matching funding not only through the state arts council but also the New England Foundation for the Arts. Please use the link to the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts website for complete details on those particular programs. Should you desire a particular poet, please e-mail us for information. John Hodgen, Jim Beschta, Susan Roney-O’Brien, Pat Fargnoli, and Martin and Farish are also members of The Worcester County Poetry Association in Worcester, MA., with extensive public performance and teaching experiencewhich also makes possible matching arts funding from local Massachusetts arts councils.The poets of The Monadnock School offer a number of programs from readings to workshops to residencies. With the number of poets working with us, we can tailor a program to fit almost any budget or need. Terry Farish, Pat Fargnoli and Rodger Martin are members of the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts Touring and Arts in Education Rosters and therefore eligible for matching funding not only through the state arts council but also the New England Foundation for the Arts. Please use the link to the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts website for complete details on those particular programs. Should you desire a particular poet, please e-mail us for information. John Hodgen, Jim Beschta, Susan Roney-O’Brien, Pat Fargnoli, and Martin and Farish are also members of The Worcester County Poetry Association in Worcester, MA., with extensive public performance and teaching experience which also makes possible matching arts funding from local Massachusetts arts councils.
A recent program that has received much success in both Massachusetts and New Hampshire is The Milton Ensemble’s dramatic readings of “Book II”(Council in Hell) and “Book IX” (The Fall of Man) from John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Monadnock members Rodger Martin and Debra Cae Hurley participate in this program. A multi-faceted installation art exhibit entitled Our Paradise Lost with painter Adrienne LaVallee of St. Anselms College can be viewed at The Worcester Review website ( under the heading: Paradise Lost.